Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Postal Gnomes

Clearly, the Postal Gnomes have been at it again. A couple of unacknowledged gifts (Christmas and baby arrival) [And let me state for the record, i'm not looking for gushing or parades...I'd be happy with a "hey, we got it, thanks." Anyway.] and the final proof of their existence? Today I received back a package I'd sent my sister while she was in Germany. Nothing special, a couple of magazines, a couple of books (stuff to read on the bus) and 2 big bottles of rolaids and tums. Upon return receipt of the package (which, incidentally, looks like it's been to hell and back...several colors of tape, about a dozen stickers, many in languages I don't read, and thus don't understand what the particular box that was checked means, etc) I opened it (hey, I can always use rolaids at work) only to discover that what I sent was not what I received back. Oh no, not even close. Not even empty rolaids bottles. Nope. 2 replacement parts for A LAND ROVER. Bhuh?!?!

So I took it to the post office...and am now waiting for resolution....damned postal gnomes. Keep yer mitts outta my stuff!

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