Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just as sweet as they can be...

As I've mentioned here before, Dan and I are extremely lucky to have a very special family in our lives...Kate, Willem, Jacob and Emily. Kate's always there just when I need her, and I hope I'm holding up my end of that as well! The boys talk math type things (Willem being a student of math, and Dan of computer science), and Kate and I talk knitting, and other such things. We could both certainly hold our own in the boys conversation, but since they would be hard pressed to keep up with discussions of patterns, fiber, and needle types, we leave them to their own ;)

On Friday I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out. Certainly not the most earth shattering of undertakings, but given that I've only been put under one other time, and certainly haven't had that level of trauma inflicted on a single part of my body before (no broken bones, etc), it's really knocked me for a loop. Mornings find me looking like a chipmunk and in a fair bit of pain, which tapers off with the first handful of Advil.

Kate and I had planned to have lunch today (I was looking forward to eating something not powerade and orange sherbert have been the standard fare for the last couple of days), but instead I opted to stay home curled up with my ice packs and pain killers. Kate asked if I would be awake this afternoon, and cryptically said that she'd be dropping by. What a great cryptic drop by it was, too. Frozen goodies picked out by Kate and the kids, hugs all around, and some ungodly lovely yarn (which will just HAVE to be a cowl so I can snuggle into it on cold days, rather than looking odd and just rubbing my face with wristers on...).

I'm feeling better already....

Monday, April 13, 2009

knitting list

a list of current wips. trying to clear these out before starting anything else new (especially since these are all, for the most part, 1 or 2 steps away from being finished!)

-Fetchings for Mom - lengthen thumbs, different bind off
-Tessie for mom
-pink baby sweater - 1.5 sleeves from being done
-Arwen - just needs seaming! (send to mom Pineo?)
-thrummed mittens - mom - lengthen first thumb, finish second mitten
-Atlantique socks - me (purse project, no hurry)

The queue:
-Black cardigan (technically already started...good mindless knitting)
-wedding shawl (yarn bought, and needles, and pattern...cast on!)
-Apres surf hoodie

Ok. lets see how much of that top list I can get through in the next couple of weeks....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009's not just for siblings anymore!

No, I'm not going to talk about how my sister and I just plain don't get along. There's no perceived slight there, by the way, we're just different critters who happen to be genetically related. Anyway. Nope, this is about sports wit, college sports rivalries. I could wax poetic about Red Sox vs Yankees, but it's trite, and been done. No, instead I'm going to talk about the best rivalry I've ever experienced...the University of Arizona vs Arizona State University.

Arriving on campus for the first time, you go through something of a genetic change: "Welcome to the University of Arizona. Here's your ID. You now hate ASU." and it's true! Coming from Maine, I could care less about the rivalry. They didn't mean much to me. UMaine vs UNH? Sure, I could get behind that one. But U of A vs ASU? Whatever! Well, that certainly didn't last long. That rivalry was used in EVERYTHING, most notably the U of A vs ASU blood donor challenge. Yep, the Red Cross got in on the act, too! There was an enormous leader board in the middle of the campus mall, where there was a running tally kept of the number of pints of blood donated by each school. If U of A fell behind, you would hear conversations about how we couldn't let ASU win, and let's go donate blood! Really, it's genius marketing.

When I moved back to the East Coast (sorry, Arizona...I'm just a New England girl at heart!) to finish school, I was sorely disappointed to find that my new university (UMass Amherst) had NO rival to speak of. I mean, there's the usual pseudo-Yankees style rivalry with Boston College (I love two team, and whomever beats BC), but that's about it. I'm sure most of it stems from a serious lack of school spirit and no real powerhouse sport (Sorry, Coach!)As a huge sports fan, this was greatly disappointing to me.

I understand that a rivalry isn't all there is to sports, but it sure as hell makes it more fun!