Friday, August 10, 2007

le sigh

So yesterday started out like any other day. Dropped the car off to get it inspected, walk the length of the mall to work, go to work. Fast forward to around 11am. The car shop calls...with some seriously bad news about my car. She needs a LOT of work done to pass inspection. Like, twice-the-blue-book-value-a-lot-of-work work. So I tell them don't do ANYTHING. Call mom in a panic (only thing I could think of to do...yes, I'm certainly old enough to take care of my own problems...I had just been thrown into completely unknown territory, and needed that reassurance that it would be OK from a parent. Even though they have nothing to do with the resolution of said problem.). She tells me that she didn't think it would pass...but for entirely different reasons! (her reason being the hole in the left rear wheel well (say THAT 5 times fast!) from when some jackass hit my PARKED car on a very cold winter day. [side note: the insurance company said it wouldn't go on my license or as a driving accident. I told them that that was good, considering I WASN'T DRIVING. (I was at work. inside. away from my car.)]) So it's decided that Maggie will be retired, and replaced with a newer, hipper model. I'm thinking subaru or vw. used. We're going car shopping tomorrow...I'll keep details posted as they become available!

1 comment:

Valkryie Knit This said...

I still call my Mom when trouble ensues. :) That's what they're there for.

Yeah for new (to you) car! :)