Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sweet beyond words

So, I've finally gotten sick. Made it almost all winter, but a nasty stomach flu is going around work, and I'm finally getting the beginnings of it. Was sick last night, went out to run errands and have forced relaxation with Kate this morning (my toes are pink now!), and after trying to eat some lunch, discovered that I was still feeling pretty wretched. I decided to leave work early, since being sick in a public bathroom is not high on my list of things I'm in the mood to do, and ran into Kate outside the store. What did she hand me? A bag with saltines, gingerale, peanuts, and a treat. *sniffle* super sweet of her...and very very much appreciated. I'm now home, in pjs, on the couch, sipping gingerale...and smiling, thanks to a very sweet friend. I can only hope I didn't pass the stomach cooties on to her, just before her big adventure trips!

1 comment:

Kate said...

There was little in the way of exchange of bodily fluids, so I think I'm safe.

Feel better soon!